Thursday, September 18, 2008

Beautiful one-liners

Beautiful one-liners:

1.) Give GOD what’s right, not what’s left…

2.) A lot of kneeling will keep you in good standing….

3.) He who kneels before God can stand before anyone….

4.) In the sentence of life, the devil may be a comma, but never let him be the period…

5.) If you are wrinkled with burden, come to the CHURCH for a face lift..

6.) When praying doesn’t give GOD instructions, just report for duty…..

7.) We don’t change God’s messages, His message change us…..

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A Gift from God

A Gift from God

At first glance
you were so small
I hardy saw a baby at all,
with tubes and wires
a frightening sight
but you were in for a
big fight.

Not even two pounds
just skin and bones,
Your body so small
with problems so big,
but you fought hard
and continued to grow.

So many fears
So many tears

You are home now
and growing big
I love you dear,
more than words can say.
A miracle baby
A gift from God.
You showed the world
You showed us all.

- Dianne, Autumn's Grandmother

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mighty God

Mighty is our God!

This can be challenging words to believe. If God is mighty why many people suffer from poverty, why do our loved ones still suffer from any diseases? Why our family broken apart by divorce? Surely the creator has the power and authority to change this situation. GOD rarely tells us the reason why HE allows suffering. But HE does ask to trust Him even when we don’t have any answer. This times test our faith in God’s character. We will never be hopeless as long as we believed in the truth of God’s character. When we can’t see His mighty power at work, just look to the cross and remember that what appears to be defeat may just be GOD preparing for an even bigger victory.

How Mighty is our GOD!!
[Ps. 93:4]