Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Birth

The pregnant Mary and her husband Joseph knocked at the door of every house they passed by, hoping that they will be accommodated for the night. They traveled from a rather far place ad her condition was not comfortable. She was near term and se knew that anytime, she may give birth to her Son. This Birth, had it been known and recognized by the people who were waiting for the coming of the One who has already come!

Consider a very young mother, bearing the weight of her awaited newborn. It is quite heavy and inconvenient. But she cannot do otherwise. She cannot unload for a while and take it back again and continue what she is supposed to do. Mama Mary would have experienced some labor pains as her time to give birth drew near. She did not complain. She accepted her fate as God’s partner in giving His beloved humankind a Savior, the Messiah!

Imagine how a mother would give birth to her baby after a long travel, I a very inappropriate place – the stable- which was intended for animals. In the midst of the hurry and the noise of the crowd outside, the Birth took place. In witness were the unnoticed but important people – the mother, the father, the angels and the shepherds; but most importantly, this was the time when the plan of salvation was being laid down.

Did Mary have her prenatal check-ups? Whom did she consult? How long did her labor last? When did her bag of waters rupture? Was the newborn Jesus able to cry lustily at birth? Did he receive the routine newborn care we give to our babies? Was a paltera around to help Mary I this situation? this was very new to her considering that she was very young, only about 13or 14 years old! This is a case of a teenage pregnancy, high-risk pregnancy at that!

But Mary’s FLAT made her keep all these in her heart. She was totally aware and committed to do her part in God’s plan as she was chosen. Like Mary, may we faithfully entrust our lives to our Heavenly Father Who knows and wants only the best for us in the proper time. A blessed Christmas to all!

-- candle light

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Jesus is Born!

In those days, the emperor wanted to count all the people the at he ruled.

He ordered everybody to return to where they were born.

Joseph and Mary had to return to Bethlehem.

It took them nearly a week to travel there.

When Mary and Joseph arrived, they saw people everywhere.

People were camped in the streets and besides the road.

Mary was tired.

They found a cave. The people kept their animals inside that cave. Since they kep the animals in the cave, they called it a stable.

Joseph said to Mary, “Let’s go into the stable. We can make a bed on the straw. It’s better than sleeping outside.”

They went to the stable so Mary could rest and Joseph made her a nice bed using the straw.

The night, Mary’s Baby was born.

Mary wrapped Him in and long strips of cloth to keep Him warm.

She made a bed for Him in a manger full of straw. Mary and Joseph were very happy. Mary and Joseph named Him Jesus as the angel had said.

-- candle light